Let’s just cut to the part you want to know. The pastel pencil sharpener that I have used the longest and recommended to all pastel artists is…

There are several different versions. The model I use is the grenade double-hole brass sharpener. Just to prove that this sharpener can actually give a fine tip, I’ve sharpened the five pastel pencil brands I regularly use in my own work.

This article has been edited on February 27, 2023 with additional notes for the replacement blades.

Mobius & Ruppert 602 sharpener next to Derwent, Faber-Castell PITT, Caran d'Ache, Stabilo CarbOthello, and Conte a Paris pastel pencils.
The grenade double-hole sharpener next to the pencils it sharpens. From top to bottom: Derwent, Faber-Castell PITT, Caran d’Ache, Stabilo CarbOthello, and Conte a Paris pastel pencils.

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Where to buy:

I’ve tried A LOT of sharpeners and I’ve unfortunately broken A LOT of fragile pastel pencils over the years. Pastel and charcoal pencils are difficult to sharpen because the core is fragile.

I think the key to sharpening a charcoal or pastel pencil is a well-made sharpener body with replaceable blades. Since purchasing my Mobius and Ruppert sharpener in 2018, I’ve tried a handful of brands, but I always come back to my little brass buddy.

To see the sharpener in action, watch my YouTube review below

Why the Mobius and Ruppert sharpener is the best option out there

1. Blades are easily replaced and available to purchase online

Delicate pencils need a sharp blade. Even the highest quality blade will dull over time with use. Without a sharp blade, most pastel pencil cores will shatter. When we’re talking about pencils that may cost up to $4 USD each, frequently breaking pencils quickly adds up to a lot of waste and an unproductive use of valuable time. 

Mobius & Ruppert 602 sharpener next to replacement blades and precision screwdriver

Mobius and Ruppert is one of the few brands that sells replacement blades in packs of 3 and 10. I purchase my replacement blades online through Amazon below.

UPDATE (Febraury 27, 2023)
The Grenade Single Hole Sharpener requires a different replacement blade that is thinner than the other 3 sharpeners. Refer to the table below for sharpener compatibility.

Mobius and Ruppert Brass Pencil Sharpener Blade Information
Sharpener DescriptionSharpener Model No.Replacement Blade Size
Wedge Single Hole060024 mm x 7 mm
Grenade Double Hole060224 mm x 7 mm
Wedge Double Hole 060324 mm x 7 mm
Grenade Single Hole 060424 mm x 6 mm
Mobius & Ruppert replacement blades for 600, 602, 603, and 604 brass models
Where to buy:

I personally like the double-hole model because I can sharpen my standard diameter pastel pencils (Caran d’Ache, Derwent, Faber-Castell PITT, and Stabilo CarbOthello). And the larger hole can sharpen my fragile Conte pastel pencils (but note that the tip is not as thin and tapered as the smaller hole).

If you own other brands and are worried about compatibility, the diameters of the two-hole models are 8.2 mm and 11.2 mm. If you purchase the single hole model, the opening is 8.2 mm.

2. Cost Effective

The vast majority of brands do not sell replacement cutters or blades. This eventually translates to more waste and you (the artist) having to purchase a new sharpener anywhere from several times a year to once every few years (depending on your use). 

I use my pencils daily and I find that I need to replace my Mobius and Ruppert blade every 20-40 days. Over the course of one year, the cost of blades averages to $10 USD. 

Compare this amount to a hand-crank or electric (battery or wall plug-in) model. Prices vary wildly by brand. I’ve seen prices range from $15 to $40 USD for hand crank models. Electric sharpeners are even more expensive from $20 to more than $100 for industrial classroom versions. 

The Downsides

1. Pencil Shavings

Because the Mobius and Ruppert sharpeners are very utilitarian, there is no built-in shavings holder like some other brands. This does make my favorite sharpener less than travel-friendly. I personally sharpen my pencils over an plastic container with a screw top lid. The lid prevents any spills and reduces mess. 

2. Ease of Use

If you are an artist with mobility limitations (reduced grip strength due to conditions such as arthritis), my recommendation in this article may not be the best option for you.

I’ll be writing up a guide in the future which focuses on how to identify elements of a good hand crank sharpener. Keep an eye out for it in the next month!  


7 thoughts on “The BEST Pencil Sharpener for Pastel Pencils

  1. Good video, lots of info, but you don’t mention details about the Husky Phillips screwdriver, and I found no link to that info. Can you email it to me? TIA!

  2. I bought an m+r sharpener 2 hole grenade sharpener recently just cuz it looked like quality and I wanted a small sharpener that could accommodate some conte pencils. When it arrived I instantly fell in love with it. Yes, of course, I felt completely absurd becoming emotionally attached to a pencil sharpener… and I know some of you may not understand… but it’s beautiful. It works. It’s built to last. The weight of it, its heft, that alone is magical. It seems of another time. A time of quality and principle and purpose. A time when a man might design and build and market a pencil sharpener not for profit but for himself, for God, and for the future. If Marinetti, Brancusi and van der Rohe collaborated on a design… the M+R two hole grenade sharpener would be their proud result.

    1. If it works, don’t fix it! I am personally very attached to my grenade sharpener (even though I purchased a backup one for emergency). I think the M+R sharpener is the perfect, yet simple gift for any artist.

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